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Bugs: Index of Articles

Common Functions like CurrentDB, str$, Mid$ fail to work

Errors caused by a Missing Reference

Automation Error error messages, unable to change/save/delete a database object

Error caused by a corrupt object

Cannot Start Data Access Object error message.

Description of the error caused by an incorrectly registered DAO dll

Numlock key keeps turning off.

Avoid using SendKeys in your applications

Access minimizes to Windows 95/NT toolbar instead of closing

Description of how outstanding AddRefs can prevent Access from closing

Database name isn't an index this table: error message

A fix that works most of the times when this error pops up

Run-Time Error 429:  ActiveX component can't create object.

Description of the error caused by an incorrectly registered DAO dll

Solving Access 97 IPFs with /Decompile

Description of the useful command line switch

Error registering Comcat.dll in registry during Install

Make sure you build install images on machines that mirror a typical client machine

Error 3014 - Can't Open Any More Tables

Fix for the internal Jet error where all the table references are exhausted

Mailmerge starts new instance of Access

Description of the bug and a workaround that works in most cases

Bookmark Bug

Description of the bug where edits made to a record are saved to a different record

There is no license: Error message

Fix for missing license keys

Office SR-1 does not work in Win 98

Link to download the updated Office 97 SR-1 patch

Report returns more records than query

ODBC data source in a query may cause this error to occur

Access bugs fixed by Office SR-2

List of bugs fixed by Office 97 SR-2

Couldn't Find Installable ISAM

Incorrectly registered IISAM dlls may cause this error

Hyperlink with "mailto:" tag opens two windows

Fix for multiple email windows

Error 53 when calling functions from custom DLL

Missing dependency files will cause this error

Compile Error in Hidden Module

Various steps to help troubleshoot this error

Maximum length strings crash Access Security Wizard

Reproducible in Access 97, fixed in Access 2000

Solving VBS Error '800a01ad' on CreateObject in ASP/IIS

NTFS permissions may cause this error

Code changes are lost during a recompile of code

Use Decompile to recover lost changes

TransferDatabase Causes Page Fault If Object Exists

Use Automation code to delete the remote object before attempting to TransferDatabase

Undefined Function in Expression (Error 3985)

SQL statements being run in CodeDBs don't support VBA functions

Form_Resize fires after Form_Close on maximized forms

Access form's Event sequence may change under particular scenarios 

Database Won't Open

Various steps that can help troubleshoot problems where you can't open a database

Access 2000: Compile Error in converted database

Access 2000, unlike previous versions, does not support any compatibility libraries

WebBrowser control: Run-Time error '438'

Solution for the error "No object in this control" or "Object doesn't support this property or method"

No read Permissions on "MsysModules2"

Error message caused by possible user rights

Access 2000: Type Mismatch or User Defined Type Not Defined

Design change in Access 2000 causes new project to default to ADO instead of DAO as the data library

Access 2000: Can't Open/Convert Access 97 MDEs

Do NOT delete an Access 97 MDB after it's been converted to a MDE if you plan to upsize it to Access 2000

Access 2000: Setup Flags

Various setup flags that can help troubleshoot an installation problem

Access 2000: Formatting MsgBox's with '@'

How to get back formatted MsgBox's in Access 2000

To Hide or Not To Hide

Why you shouldn't use dbHiddenObject on a local table

Access 97 fails to start after Access 2000 Uninstall

Registry changes by MSI blows away the license keys for Access 97

Access 2000: Corrupt VBA Project message during conversion

An un-compiled app may cause this error to come up during conversion

Access 2000: Using Group by along with NZ results in unreadable characters

Expression using NZ in Group By clause may result in unreadable characters

How to Install Access 97 and Access 2000 on the Same Computer

Steps to have the two versions coexist

Access 2000 ADPs: Memo field corruption

Char/VarChar fields may corrupt their data if the text is longer than 256 characters

Access 2000: Database password appears to be set

Opening a database in MS Word corrupts a database

Access 2000: DeleteObject code doesn't work

Design changes in Access 2000 requires you to exclusively open a database to have DeleteObject work as before

Image Control may cause a GPF when browsing between records

Rapidly switching between records with linked images may cause a GPF based on timing.

Access 2000: Differences between Jet Compact and Access Compact

The two methods for compacting a database are not the same.

Jet 4.0 SP3: Text IISAM does not work without txt file extension

Installing Jet 4.0 SP3 updates registry in such a way that you can only use certain extensions for the TransferText command.

Access 2000: Changes made to code in referenced databases are not saved

Design changes in Access 2000 prevent you from saving changes to a referenced project.

Function Called from Command Bar Control Excecutes 3 Times

Work around for bug in Access 97, 2000, 2002


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