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Terms Of Use

The primary function of The Access Web is to assist fellow developers in search of solutions to specific problems.  The secondary, yet equally desirable, goal of this website is to allow the developer  to improve his or her coding skills and understanding of Microsoft Access and VBA by following the comments in most of the code samples presented here either in text form or in all the open source utilities and controls.

This website is not intended to be a free-for-all resource for those looking for code with which to build their own web sites. To prevent the proliferation of buggy text/html pages or downloadable files based on code samples posted here where shortcuts have been taken when plagiarizing the code, making it effectively worthless, and to follow common developer courtesy, I must make the following conditions for use of code on this site.

You can use any code here

in any application you develop, even if the original source code is provided with the application. This also includes applications developed for corporate use distributed internally.
in any complete demo application, so long as the purpose of the demo is to demonstrate something other than that code found here (in other words, the code is used as a method or set of methods within a larger application whose primary goal is not to demonstrate the code taken from this site).

You cannot

copy, redistribute or republish any source code code from this site by any means, including distributing the code on the web, in zip files, demos or via a CD collection, whether free or not. This means no web pages, text files, demo projects, classes, or databases that replicate the source found here. If you find something of interest please refer users to the corresponding page, or link to the page(s) of interest.

To reiterate, you are not allowed to redistribute this code as source in any manner whatsoever. For those few of you who have trouble understanding these simple guidelines, that means you cannot repost these samples on your web site (although links to here are fine), you cannot bundle these samples on a CD and sell it, in general you cannot steal credit for others work.

© 1998-2009, Dev Ashish & Arvin Meyer, All rights reserved. Optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer